Monday, March 10, 2014

DIY Liquid Dishwasher Detergent

I've used homemade laundry soap for nearly a year with tons of success. With the dish detergent bottle getting empty, I searched for a recipe to make my own! Here's what I found:

  • 1/2 cup Castile Soap - scented or unscented
  • 1 cup Borax
  • 1 1/2 cups Washing Soda - NOT baking soda
  • 16 cups Water

First, boil eight cups of water. Remove from heat and add castile soap, borax, and washing soda, stirring until dissolved. Pour into a gallon container (I used an empty milk jug) and add another eight cups of water. Let set for a few days to become gelatinous. Be sure to use white vinegar in your rinse agent to replace your store-bought one!

TIP: I didn't read the instructions very well before beginning and added all my ingredients before heating the water. Everything was clumpy and pretty gross. I emptied the contents into a bowl and used my immersion blender to combine everything better. It's now much smoother, just like store-bought detergent.

Read more about this DIY here.

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